Are You Forgetting Prescription Medication?

Are You Forgetting Prescription Medication?

Med-Q Programmable Smart Pill Box

First question, can Forgetting Prescription Medication be prevented? Second question, why do hospitals need a Med-Q Programmable Smart Pill Box?    Medicare has lowered the amount given back to hospitals with high 30-day readmission rate.  This is the is the patients who return within a month.   The Industry has a  1 percent average.  The maximum penalty-is 3 percent.

Forgetting Prescription Medication
Forgetting Prescription Medication

Forgetting Prescription Medication have led to Penalties

Medicare checked rates at 4% of the hospitals.    It shows 278 hospitals will receive this year’s maximum penalty of 3 percent. 50 hospitals will receive the minimum penalty of 0.01 percent.  The penalties have been created to provide financial incentives for the quality of care hospitals.

Physicians Question Rates

Forgetting Prescription Medication make doctors think readmission rates are not good.  The Doctors feel that  it is not the best measure of outcomes form Forgetting Prescription Medication.  Modern Technology will help with mom forgetting pills and Dad forgetting Medication.  No doctor will disagree.  An old fashion Pill box is not going to do the Job.  People need a pill box like the like the Med-Q Smart Pill Box will lower readmission.

Government statics show 1 in 5 Medicare patients return to the hospital within 30 days.  The cost is over $18 billion per year.  Med-Q Smart Pill Box has a big effect. The goal of Medicare and Insurance companies to reduce the readmission and saves money. The facts of the matter are that about 2 million Medicare beneficiaries are being readmitted every year.

med-q programmable smart pill box

Med-Q Programmable Smart Pill Box saves Hospitals Big Dollars.

 “Among patients with heart failure, hospitals that have higher readmission rates actually have lower mortality rates,” said Sunil Kripalani, MD, a professor with Vanderbilt University Medical Center who studies hospital readmission. “So, which would we rather have — a hospital readmission or a death?”

World Health Association

The World Health Association says that 90% of seniors make medication mistakes.  The Med-Q Programmable Smart Pill Box saves Money. Hence, a great tool to reduce medication mistakes.  There are smart apps and telephone reminder services that also work.

forgetting prescription medication

forgetting prescription medication

Medication adherence, or taking medications correctly

First, what is medical compliance. The technical definition. ” the extent to which patients take medication as prescribed by their health care professional”. There are many different factors to look at. For example, are individual getting prescriptions filled timely. Another example, remembering to take medication on time and in the right doses. Furthermore, seniors have a hard time understanding the directions.

Common reasons for medication Non-Compliance and Forgetting Prescription Medication

  • Can not afford to buy the medications
  • Disbelief that the medications are really necessary
  • Disbelief that the prescriptions are actually helping
  • Unable to keep up with many different medications
  • Complex dosing schedules
  • Lacking an understanding o f why the medication is being taken
  • Not using a Programmable Smart Pill Box to limit forgetting and miss dosing

First of all, adherence will always decrease the ability to treat many illnesses. Second of all, mistakes will lead to complications as well as negative side effects Finally, errors will actually lower the quality of life for men and women patients. Tips for taking prescription medications properly as well as talking with health care professionals. Finally, ask about any and all concerns. For example, you feel better and no longer have symptoms. In fact, you are sure your cured. However, if you have a bacterial infection, this is a very dangerous assumption.

Programmable Smart Pill Box for Taking Antibiotics

Proper dosing with Antibiotics is important. Ask your doctor to explain why it is so important.

Take antibiotics exactly as directed

  • Don’t Forgetting Prescription Medications, especially antibiotics
  • Take all doses of the antibiotic, even if the infection is getting better.
  • Don’t stop taking the antibiotic unless your doctor tells you to stop.
  • Never share antibiotics with others.
  • People ought not to save unfinished antibiotics for another time.
  • Multiple drugs may need to be taken at different times, which can be hard to remember.
  • The side effects of certain drugs can sometimes make people feel worse instead of better.
  • When people feel okay, they may not feel the need to take their drugs. They don’t have the ‘physical reminder’ to take the medications.
  • People may not be aware of the risks of drug resistance that can occur if they stop treatment or skip or lower doses.

If the full course of antibiotics is not taken, a small number of bacteria are likely to survive. These germs will have some “new found” natural immunity to the antibiotic. As the survivors multiply,, a new strain of resistant germs may begin to develop .

Med-Q Staff writer

Make sure you know how long to take the prescription meds 

Two questions to ask when prescribed a new pill to prevent you from Forgetting Prescription Medication

  • First of all, is it necessary to take all the pills, or can I stop them when I feel better?
  • Second of all, will I need to get the prescription refilled? Furthermore, can I stop treatment when the pill reminder with alarms is empty?

The best ways to remain compliant you can also:

Use a Programmable Smart Pill Box to prevent Forgetting Prescription Medication

Many people have upgraded from the old fashion pill boxes to prevent Forgetting Prescription Medication. The new generation of Programmable Smart Pill Box can virtually eliminate medication errors. For example, flashing guides will show the user which pills to take. The programmable alarms are customized to an individuals personal mediation schedule. Again, go online with some internet devices. To sum up,these are available at pharmacies. To sum up, keep medications in the individual compartments that are labeled with the days of the week..

Finally, set daily routines to take Life Saving Prescription medication and prevent Forgetting Prescription Medication

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