Parkinson's Disease Symptoms never to ignore

Symptoms Never to Ignore With Parkinson’s Disease

The early symptoms of Parkinson’s disease can start showing up decades  before  people are diagnosed with the condition. These warning signs can be helpful early clues that ought to be brought  to your doctor’s attention. The Other symptoms that develop later in the disease are more obvious.  These Parkinson disease symptoms are the warning signs of disease progression.  Early diagnosis may be treatable or manageable. If you or a loved one have Parkinson’s or are at risk for developing it, it’s critical to look for these early symptom.Parkinson's Disease Symptoms

Starting to experience tremors in your hands


Parkinson symptomsHaving tremors (shaking) in your hands is a big warning sign.  Especially true if they are trembling when at rest.  In fact, probably the most common symptoms from Parkinson’s disease. Women have a higher likelihood of experiencing tremor  then men as their first symptom.. Usually, the  tremors start in a hand or just a fingers or two.  Some have the shaking  on only the left or right  side of the  body. You may develop pill-rolling tremors .  Pill-rolling tremors are resting tremors that appear as if they are rolling a pill or other small object between the thumb and index finger. This type of tremor has strong links with Parkinson’s disease.  Research has shown that approx. 70% of people experience this symptom

Experiencing a diminished or total loss of smell


COVID-19 is not the only illness that can cause anosmia (loss of smell). Loss of smell is one of the early sign of Parkinson’s disease. About 85-90 percent of people with Parkinson’s  have lost some or all of their sense of smell.  Again, a Parkinson symptom that will show years and years before tremors or other movement-related symptoms start happening. It is important to note that a compromised sense of smell does not mean you have Parkinson’s.  Many other factors could  cause it as well. But persistent loss of smell is something that should be shared with your doctor.

cope with stressActing out dreams while still sleeping


About 70% of Parkinson’s patients will have sleep disorders.  This is one of the most common signs of the condition in it’s early stages. One type of sleep problem seen in about half of Parkinson’s disease patients is rapid eye movement behavior disorder.  What is the rapid eye movement (REM)?

Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep is the stage of sleep where most dreams happen. Its name comes from how your eyes move behind your eyelids while you’re dreaming. During REM sleep, your brain activity looks very similar to brain activity while you’re awake. REM sleep makes up about 25% of your total time asleep.

Loss of this sleep time can cause you to move around in bed while sleeping.  Many have told us that they will kick or hit a partner as you act out vivid dreams.  Other sleep problems related to Parkinson’s disease include insomnia (lack of sleep or interrupted sleep), daytime sleepiness, and sleep apnea.

Are you feeling anxious or depressed


Parkinson’s Disease Symptoms can be  experiencing anxiety.  In addition, many suffers will get depressed. These kinds of Feelings of depression and anxiety may start happening in the early in Parkinson’s, stages.  They may continue or get worse in later stages as well. For example, there can be some degrees of  mood changes  up to 8 years before being  diagnosed with Parkinson’s. Furthermore, females suffering from Parkinson’s have a higher risk  of experiencing depression than male sufferers. Manu of the experts believe Parkinson’s causes chemical changes in brain activity.  These changes lead to mood and emotional changes.  The result, symptoms  such as anxiety, fear  and reduced levels of  motivation. These Parkinson’s complications are treatable with medications.

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Bouts of Frequent Constipation

Digestive and bowel problems are a common occurrence for those with Parkinson’s disease .  Doctors believe this is because of the slowing of the personal digestive tract. Digestive issues can often begin before  movement dysfunction. 

Movement dysfunction is often related to a person not having control of the stabilising muscles within the muscle system. The majority of chronic pain cases are due to a failure of the stabilisers of the movement system

These may show up as early as 15 years before Parkinson’s disease is diagnosed.  For example, bladder problems are another Parkinson’s complication.   Leading to  incontinence or having difficulty urinating. Bowel or bladder difficulties associated with Parkinson’s, are currently available.  Finally,  discuss these problems with your professional healthcare provider.

Speaking quietly or more softly 

Parkinson’s disease has been known to affects people’s voice. It has been reported and studied that people start talking more quietly and monotonously.  Also, talking with less expression, intensity as well as degrees of  pitch variation. Many will experience a voice that becomes breathier. This problem may be fixed with speech therapy. Singing has been shown to  help  people strengthen their vocal cords. Unfortunately, others—such as singer Linda Ronstadt—find that Parkinson’s impairs their ability to hit notes.

Parkinson’s Disease Symptoms can be vision problems

Having double vision or problems reading  is one of the Parkinson’s Disease Symptoms.   Sometimes it will  cause double vision when trying to focus or trying to see something close up? For example, when reading does it take longer than normal because you keep losing your place from one line to the next? Parkinson’s disease can cause eye movement problems.  Hence, it makes it hard when  trying to focus.

Here are some other eye-related Parkinson’s symptoms, such as:

  • Blinking too little which then will result in dry eyes

  • Blinking way too often

  • Trouble when trying to open your eyes

  • Having degrees of Color blindness (especially with blues and yellows).

Talk with your doctor or health care professional about options in the treatment for these symptoms.

senior medicationLosing One’s personalized Facial expressions

As Parkinson’s progresses, one symptom that occurs is “facial masking”.  This means the person will show less facial expression than before the illness. You may be feeling happy or angry , but your face no longer shows the emotions. Instead, they will have a blank expression.  They may smile much less than they used to. This can cause the people you’re with to wonder if you’re bored or annoyed.  Thus having a negative impact on the personal relationships..  Be ceratin that your loved ones understand this is a Parkinson’s symptom.  Tell them not to ” take it personally”.

Feeling Dizzy when you stand up

A common Parkinson’s symptom is called “orthostatic hypertension”.  What this means that your blood pressure plunges when you change positions.  For example when standing up.  Many will feel lightheaded.  Furthermore, some may even fall down.  In extreme case, they may even faint. Orthostatic hypertension can be caused by other conditions besides Parkinson’s.  For example low blood sugar levels. If the symptom persists, tell your doctor  immediately. There are many kinds ofl medications are available specifically for the treatment of orthostatic hypertension in Parkinson’s patients.  A pill box loaded with preventive medication is crucial for good health and well being.
