high blood pressure

High Blood Pressure Medications

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High Blood Pressure Medications
Med-Q Medication Reminder for High Blood Pressure Medications

High Blood Pressure Medications saves lives everyday

All medication have the possibility of causing negative side effects. This being said,  high blood pressure medications are the same. However, many users experience no side effects from taking hypertension pills (HBP). Furthermore, for many the side effects are very minor. Still, it’s important to remain knowledgeable. Also, work closely with the health care professional. In short, coordination will help the doctor manage any negative side effects. For example, there’s no valid reason to “suffer in silence.” Modern medication options are able to manage high BP. To sum up, Med-Q medication reminder for high blood pressure mean better outcomes.

Med-Q lists the most common side effects that are often caused by each kind of medication. First, here are some of the general warnings.

  1. First, never stop taking prescription medication without first getting doctor input.  To illustrate, this can be extremely dangerous. Consequently, abrupt quitting can cause a spike in BP.
  2. Second, when pregnant or planning to become pregnant, be sure to speak with the health care professional. Ask about the safest medications  For example, ACE inhibitors or angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) can cause harmful side effects.
  3. Third, Talk to the doctor if you are taking insulin. In short, changes in blood sugar for diabetes taking diuretics or beta-blockers .
  4. Some have problems with getting a erections . First, talk with the doctor. Whereas, some high BP medications have been know to cause this unique problem. First and foremost, lowering doses can help. In addition, changing to another type of blood pressure medication helps. However, high BP can still cause erectile dysfunction.

Med-Q Medication Reminder for High Blood Pressure Medications

First, BP pills will not work if not take as directed by the doctor or pharmacist.

For example, forgetting meds has lead to Hypertension. The results, being called the “Silent Killer“.  Place the medications in the daily Pill reminder. Set you Personal times, “once or twice a day” and the Smart Medication Box will do the rest Suffers are able to make forgetting as well as triple dosing a thing of the past. 

Prescriptions Used to Treat Hypertension

Diuretics Medications

First, diuretics will fill Med-Q Medication Reminder for High Blood Pressure Medications Second, these remove excess water as well as Salt (Medical term: sodium form the blood. However, these types of Diuretics have been known to lead to these negative side effects:

  • Extra urination (going to the bathroom often). Extra water purging will means more time sitting ion the bathroom. Take these medications earlier in the day and when you’re not far away from a bathroom. Hence, no waking up in the middle of the night to go.
  • Also, erectile dysfunction issues in many men
  • Weakness, leg cramps, or fatigue. Diuretics may decrease the body’s levels of the mineral potassium, which can lead to these side effects. Certain potassium-sparing diuretics do not have this effect, however.
  • Finally, bouts of intense and immediate foot pain. It should be noted, this is a symptom of gout.

Gout is a form of inflammatory arthritis that develops in some people who have high levels of uric acid in the blood. The acid can form needle-like crystals in a joint and cause sudden, severe episodes of pain, tenderness, redness, warmth and swelling.

Mayo Clinic
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