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Signs of Caregiver Stress


caregiver stress
Med-Q Medication Reminder, or Smart Pill Box Alarms prevents caregiver stress

Caregiver stress: Tips for taking care of yourself

Caring for a loved one strains even the most resilient people. If you’re a caregiver, take steps to preserve your own health and well-being. Watch for the signs of caregiver stress. First, get a smart pill box for Mom and Dad.

A caregiver is anyone who provides help to another person in need. For example, an ill spouse as well as a disabled individual. Another example, a sick child or an aging parent. However, family members who are actively caring for an older adult will often not call themselves a “ family caregiver.” To sum up, be sure to recognize the role. Again, this will help caregivers receive the needed support.

Prevent Forgetting and Over Dosing

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As the population ages, more care giving is being provided by people who aren’t trained health care professionals. About 1 in 3 adults in the US is currently providing care to other adults. Many as an informal caregivers. The problem is made worse with Age Induced Medication Mistakes (AIMM’s). This is normal. It is not dementia or Alzheimer’s.

Amazing Smart pill box reminder alarm to the rescue. Ahgain, where can such a small investment in your self have such a big pay off in Independence. Also, for good health. For example, keeping loved ones at home instead of assisted Living. In short, because now it’s your time to take care of them,MED-Q Medication Box Reminder’s Flashing Alarms prevents Dangerous Mistakes.

Care giving is rewarding, but stressful

Care giving can have many rewards. For most caregivers, being there when a loved one needs you is a core value. Again, the care is something wished to provide. However, expect a shift in roles and emotions. It is perfectly normal to have feelings of angry and frustration. More so, levels of , exhaustion and sadness. Another example of signs of caregiver stress, the emotional and physical stress exhaustion.. Hence, this is to be expected.

First, individuals that have the signs of caregiver stress can be vulnerable to changes in their own health. Signs of caregiver stress include:

  • Being a women
  • Having a lower level of formal education
  • Also, staying with the individual that is being cared for
  • Levels of Social isolation
  • Signs of caregiver stress including bouts of depression
  • Having Financial difficulties
  • Higher number of hours spent care-giving than for yourself
  • Lack of coping skills and difficulty solving problems
  • Being forced into the role of a caregiver

Signs of caregiver stress

Most caregiver s are totally focused on the loved one. Hence, don’t realize that your health and well-being are suffering greatly. Watch for these signs of caregiver stress:

  • Having the feelings of being overwhelmed or constantly worried
  • Feeling tired often
  • Changes in sleep patterns, For example, getting too much/little sleep
  • Gaining or losing large amounts of weight
  • Becoming easily irritated or angry
  • Losing interest in activities you used to enjoy
  • Feeling sad and wanting to cry
  • Having frequent headaches, bodily pain or other physical problems
  • First, drinking to much alcohol. Second taking drugs to self medicate. To sum up, these will always include prescription medications

Too much stress will often harm ones’ own health

Too much stress, especially over a long time, can harm your health. Caregiver experience symptoms of depression and/or anxiety.Also, most will not get enough sleep as well as physical activity. In addition, caregiver stress will show up in not eating a balanced diet. Again, this increases risk of medical problems. For example. diabetes as well as strokes or other kinds of heart disease.

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Strategies for dealing with caregiver stress

The emotional and physical demands involved with caregiving can strain even the most resilient person. That’s why it’s so important to take advantage of the many resources and tools available to help you provide care for your loved one. Remember, if you don’t take care of yourself, you won’t be able to care for anyone else.

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