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Smart Pill Box Organizer is used by Thousands

Med-Q Smart Pill Box Organizer is a must for Loved Onessmart pill organoizer

Med-Q Smart Pill Box Organizer with Alarms

After reviewing some of the following stats, you will see why a smart pill box organizer with alarms is so important. Compliance means taking the correct amount of the prescribed medicine at the proper time.

Medication Adherence is no simple matter

  • 35 million People in the US take 3 or more pills every day
  • 78 Percent of Men and Women  non-adherent
  • The cost to the health care system in excess of  $250 billion  a year
  •  24 Percent  of nursing home admissions from  non-compliance
  •  The cost 32.3 billion 
  • Ten Percent of hospital admits from non-compliance

First of all, the typical rate of  adherence is (the degree to which patients correctly follow prescription instructions) approx 82 %.  Thus a smart pill box organizer for pills taken once a day is solves that problem.  The rate drops to 50 plus% for people taking pills four times per day.  Surprisingly, over 70% of people, do not take their pills as prescribed by their physician.  Also,  51% of chronically ill people make regular medication errors.  For example, forgetting and double and triple dosing. 

Medication will not work in people who forget to take them

The most current study of Men and women , over the age of 64, who take daily medication.   The findings,  50 Percent take 5 or more prescription pills daily.  For example, 25%  of seniors take 10-19 pills each and every day.  Of those polled, a full 56% admitted to forget pills and supplements.  Also, people that are taking more than  5  are worse.  For example,  63% admit to forgetting a dose or two. Finally,  this drops a little to 50 % with seniors taking less  medicines.

C. Everett Koop, MD, former surgeon general says,

Medication will not work in people who forget to take them.  Using a smart pill box organizer is vital to compliance. Medicine will be effective if and only if it is taken as prescribed by one’s doctor.    

The Real Drug Problem: Forgetting to Take Them Wall Street Journal – Amy Marcus Author Good patient compliance and adherence means taking the right drugs, on time and in the proper doses. Medication non-compliance (non-adherence), the failure to take drugs on time in the dosages prescribed.  Hence, a smart pill box organizer is a must. 

   Non-Compliance is not only dangerous it is also costly.  

There are ways for staying Compliant.  This being said,  the typical person fails to follow  their prescription;s direction 50% of the time.  Why does this happen?  The cause range from simply forgetting to mental confusion to illnesses like Alzheimer’s.  The Cost, $280 billion in ER visits as well as many avoidable medical treatment expenses.  Reports have provided data that shows that over 120,000 deaths per year, leads to 10-26% and nursing home admissions.

Smart Pill Box Organizer

Prescriptions Medications

· Approx 49 Percent of the 2.1 billion prescriptions are taken incorrectly

· 33% of people take all their pills, 33% take some of them, 33% don’t get the prescription  filled

Care Giving Stats

  • First, 25 Million nonprofessional caregivers in the United States
  • Second, 80 Percent of non-professional caregivers are female
  • Third, 80-90 % of seniors that need care get it from family  or friends

Merck Manual on ways to Improve Patient Compliance (Medication Reminders & Pillboxes)

MED-Q smart pill box organizer is a Proactive approach to Medication Management

Finally, for more Medication Management Information Visit:

med-q smart pill box organizer

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