MED-Q smart pill box not Grandma’s Old PillBox

MED-Q Smart Pill Box with LITE-BOX Guides and Repeating Alarms. AMAZING medication reminder alarms for elderly medication management.


Shocking Report: Medication Mistakes lead to 50% of chronic disease treatment failures and 125,000 deaths every year. NOT WITH MED-Q.Smart Pill Box designed by Caregivers for CaregiversThe Genius Flashing Day Guides & Blasting Alarms repeat every 30 Mins until Life Saving Medication has been taken. Smart pillbox alarms get Louder and Louder.Turning off the “alarms” automatically sets the reminder for the next dose.

disease treatment failures

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disease treatment failures
disease treatment

Genius Electronic Programmable Smart Pill Reminder ends Family Caregiver Stress, Worry and Wondering! Med-Q Smart pill box with alarms for Elderly men and women is critical. First, Seniors need help. Second of all, Med-Q programmable medication reminder prevents mom forgetting pills. Again, pharmacist will teach how to use a medication reminder alarms for the elderly prescription and over-the-counter. Hence, better outcomes with lower risks. Also, poor medication adherence interferes with the ability to treat diseases. Hence, leading to complications and reducing “Quality of Life”.  To sum up, MED-Q Smart Pill Box is the modern simple, reliable, affordable solution. Fianlly, piut an end to disease treatment failures.

Pill Box Viewings

MED-Q Smart Pill Box Organizer is America’s #1 Reminder with LITE-BOX Guides and Repeating Alarms

Equally important, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that non-adherence causes 30 to 50 percent of chronic disease treatment failures and 125,000 deaths a year. In a word, Smart Pill Box Reminder’s Flashing Alarms prevents Dangerous Mistakes. Similarly, caregivers can put an end to forgetting and double and triple dosing. To summarize, where can such a small investment in your self have such a big pay off. Additionally, reduces caregiver’s stress and worry. For example, not worrying about putting loved ones into Assisted Living. In short, because now it’s your time to take care of them. First, 100’s of thousands of Life Threatening medication mistakes prevented!

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