Impact of Medication Errors on Patients

Keeping Aging Parents at Home

 5 Top Tips for Caregivers for Keeping Aging Parents at Home

Keeping Aging Parents at Home made easier

What is the best way to care for seniors at home for as long as possible

There are many tips to help.  For example, a programmable pill dispenser with alarms.  First, the question to ask, what is the best way for Keeping Aging Parents at Home.  Family will say “ we promised him we’d never put him in assisted living”.  Another example,  “Grandma said she never wanted to be be stuck in one of those places.”  Hence, there is many reasons why caregivers  choose to care for their elderly loved one at home. And as long as the situation is safe for everyone involved, keeping aging parents at home is a wonderful thing to do.

Again, remember that senior care is one of the toughest and most stressful jobs a person can have. Hence,  caregivers are at such high risk for burn out as well as serious health conditions.

So if you’re caring for your older adult at home, it’s essential to pace yourself

That means you can’t be running at 110% every day. We’re human and that’s simply not sustainable over the long run.

Pacing yourself and getting assistance helps you stay as healthy as possible so you can continue providing great care.

To help you keep going over the long term, we share 5 tips for keeping aging parents at home for as long as possible by reducing the caregiving workload and decreasing stress.  Hence Keeping Aging Parents at Home made easier with a proactive stance.  For example, a smart programmable pill dispenser with alarms for medication management.






pill box

Understand how much care is needed

Often , caregiving means one is unable to “see the forest for the trees”.  Hence, if overwhelmed with the long list of care giving  responsibilities.   First, find out how much care your older adult really needs.AGING PARENTS

Second,  make a  list of  the daily, weekly, and monthly care tasks.  This aids with understanding  the level pf care that is needed.  Both for,  during the day, at night as well as weekends. Henceforth, a list of how much care is needed and at what times of day.

For example, to make a detailed list .  In addition,  use quick notes every time you or someone else helps your older adult. After  7-10 days a good overview of what your loved one is needing .  In addition, a review of  what times of day. To make sure everything is written down.  Finally, recap every couple months to see if there’s anything has changed. 

Be realistic about how much care you can provide without hurting your own health

Again,  you know what your older adult’s care needs are.  Furthermore,  you are able to figure out if that’s something you can do by yourself,.  In addition, have a  list of things that you must have need help.   

In your evaluation, think carefully about how much care you can realistically provide without harming your own health

Remember,  caregiver who do too much, you will eventually burn out.  In addition, they tend to develop some ealth conditions. Sick care givers are unable to care for anyone. Instead, be as proactive as you can.  For example,  find ways to get some needed help. 

Ask Friends, Family and respite care for caregiving help 

Finding caregiving is an investment that will pay off  over and over.   Again, finding good help takes patience and effort.  However, it is well worth.  For example,  decrease  workload, reduce stress as well as taking timely breaks. To help you spot more opportunities for getting help, keep an open mind and be flexible. And be sure to use the list of needs you wrote down to remind you of the types of help you need.

Ideas include:

  • Put the senior in a senior day program –.  They will  socialization and care for them.  Thus , a much-needed rest for you.
  • Hire in-home helper  to get regular breaks
  • Try to locate a teen volunteer companion program 
  • Use a respite care service  often.  They will provide a longer than normal break
  • Sign up for a meal delivery service 
  • Ask family or close friends to help run errands.  In addition,  basic housekeeping and cook a meal or two.
  • Buy caregiving and household supplies in bulk or better yet, order online for home delivery. Basically, eliminate as many errands as possible to save time and energy.

Share the caregiving responsibility with others

aging parentsMost caregivers thinks they don’t need any help caring for a senior.  So even if you feel like you shouldn’t have to say it, ask siblings or close relatives.  They can take some of the responsibility so you can take a break.  However, getting family help varies for each family situation. For one person, it could be moving mom to the sister’s house for a year. 

A brother or sister can can take turns living with dad for a week at a time. In other cases, have the brother stay at your house for a couple of days every months.  Hence, you will have a break so you can  get away. If they’re willing to help, be creative and flexible. No solution will be perfect, but any help you can get will lessen the workload for you.  Check out our additional helpful tips on how to ask family to help with caregiving.

Share the financial burden to lower pressure

Caring for an older adult will place a significant financial burden.  The average care giver spends 4,800 dollars out of pocke t each year.  Finally, try to lower caregiving costs as much as possible.  This will hep reduce financial pressure and stress.


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