Smart Medication Reminder Device

MED-Q Medication Reminder Device is Saving Lives

MED-Q Best automatic pill dispenser alarm reminder

Imagine protecting your Mom with the MED-Q Medication Reminder Device

medication reminder clock
MED-Q Smart Medication Reminder

First of all, get ready to be SHOCKED!  You want to hear some numbers that’ll curl your toes?  You need to get a Medication Reminder device for loved ones.

  • First,  188 million American Men and Womens (59 Percent) are taking  at least one prescription medication. (Source: Network for Excellence in Health Innovation .
  • Second, over 145 million prescriptions  are never filled each year. (Source: CVS Pharmacies .)
  • Up to 51% of us don’t take our pills as directed by their health care professional.  Hence, wrong times, wrong amounts, wrong meds.
  • Finally, approx 126 Thousand Americans die every year as a result. (Source: -US surgeon general in 2013.)

On the positive side,  a modern medication reminder device  keeps loved ones safe and Independent.

There is a medical term for this problem. 

The term, Age Induced Medication Mistakes (AIMM‘s).  Furthermore, this leads to the doctors will call “Medication Non-compliance.  To sum up, non-adherence is simply not  following your health care professional advice.  The truth of the matter,  being old doesn’t make you feeble and in trouble.. For example, When recovering from a kidney stone , the  doctor prescribed 2 ibuprofen every 4 hours.  In addition,  phenazopyridine capsule, 2 times a day.  Furthermore,  ciprofloxacin, 1 pills  a day and a ; docusate sodium, pill, three times a day.  Finally, solifenacin succinate, every 12 hours.   Anyone can see how difficult this regiment is.  The possibility for mistakes is huge.  Seriously? You’d need a spreadsheet to keep track of it all.  This being said, good luck.

Now imagine that you’re 75 years old and using an old fashion pill box

Here is the: There should be a medication reminder device that tells you when to  take the meds.  In addition, a flashing guide is needed to show the Senior which pills to take.  In fact, there are 100’s of pill boxes or pill reminder available..  The features and benefits of the different medication reminder devices vary widely.  Question, how do find the best one for particular needs.

Apparently, a pill reminder is what every  caregiver needs.  A caregiver needs all the help the can get.  A medication management system is critical to the level of care they provide.  A smart pill box is the back -bone of a proactive medication strategy.  Fortunately, there’s one shining example, the MED-Q medication reminder with LITE-BOX Technology and triple alalrms..  To sum up, caregivers can prevent the tragic consequences of A ge Induced Medication Mistakes (AIMM’s)

What we want in a Medication Reminder with alarms


Dive into a few of these apps, and it rapidly becomes apparent that eight features separate the good stuff from the junk:

  • Easy to Program the Pill reminder. The  pill box needs to be easy to set-up.  First, a user friendly design is important.  Second, if it is to hard to set up, seniors will not do it.  Finally, the entire operation needs to be simplistic.
  • Ability to see pills. The worst pill boxes are colored plastic.  Hence, one can not see the pills in each container.  In fact, users do not know if they have taken their prescription mediation.
  • Easy to mange Pill Containers. The worst pillboxes have tight, cramped compartments.  Furthermore, some containers are sliver shaped. .  Hence, an accident waiting to happen .  Look for a pill reminder that has large containers that are square shaped.
  • Ant-Skid Bottoms. The worst  pill box will have a flat , smooth bottom.  Question, why is this so bad?.  Med-Q’s research has discovered a big problem.  Seniors would regularly knock their pill boxes off the night stands or bathroom sinks.  The boxes would fall and cause the pills to fly all over.  Anti- skid bottoms prevent this crisis from ever happening.  An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

The feature List goes on

  • Flashing Guides to eliminate decision. The best medication reminders will use a Visual reminder.  First, the most basic is a small blinking light.  Second, the most modern reminder will use LITE-BOX Technology.
  • Smart repeating Audio Alarms. What do you do if the pills are forgotten?  The best pill box will repeat it’s a;arms.  Most medication reminders will sound an alarm for approx 1 hour and ten stop.   Hence, medication doses will be missed.  For example, the loved one is at the store during that hour alarm.  The best electronic medication reminders will repeat the alarm though out the day until the pills have been take.  This is a must for most seniors.
  • Medication reminder with a Lock.  Some pill organizers come with locks.  A pill box with locks is good for holding narcotics.  Hence, the user can not take pills in advance.  This being said, if the pill box needs to be locked at all times. this may not be the bets pillbox for your loved one.

As it turns out, medication reminder devices come in all sizes, shapes as well as costs

As it turns out medication reminder devices come in all shapes and sizes.  In addition, the costs range from 25 dollars up to 7-800 hundred dollars. First thing to remember, all of the features that are now available can save lives. . Med-Q is so much more  than just a “PILLBOX” for under 70 dollars..  To sum up, MED-Q Remembers for you.

Smart Medication Reminder for Aspirin
MED-Q Smart Medication Reminder for Aspirin
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