What It Means to Be Independent

What It Means to Be Independent

The struggle to define independence

Means to Be Independent

The meaning of, ” what it Means to Be Independent” is different for different people. First of all, Independence raises many different questions.  Some define independence as, “s an able body that can do anything they want to 99% of the time. However, here is the problem.  Is an able body, a “normal” body. As we age, the body is no longer normal.  In fact, it may have many issues.  Seniors now have to  think about consequences before they do things.  Finally,  seniors will  do things over and over to prove independence. 

Older adults are trying their best to live as independently as possible

There is a big problem.  Family and loved ones often unintentionally discouraging independence.  Many keep independence-seeking seniors from living as self-sufficiently as they are more than capable of living. In recognition of National Senior Independence Month, Med-Q Mart Pill Box with Alarms offers these 4 tips to avoid when encouraging more elderly independence.  The goal, finding the right Means to Be Independent.

 Not allowing them to take care of simple things

 Caregiver Stress
Caregivers need Help

Caregivers usually do many of the daily tasks for their aging family member.  the same applies to friend.  For example,  simple personal care responsibilities.  They are trying to make  daily lives easier for them. However,many times  the jobs can be done by the older adult.  I fact, they are still fully capable of doing them. While these intentions are good, it may make your loved one feel less capable than they really are.  Finally, when your loved one is able to safely complete a task on their own,  let them.

Doing things for our aging loved ones, instead of with them

First of all, seniors skills will diminish as the get older.  Second of all, when seniors are no longer able to accomplish old tasks  by themselves, caregivers will do the chore instead.   However, when the senior can help, let them.  for example,  personal hygiene, cooking or balancing or sending out an email  Hence, taking away a good opportunity to  make them feel helpful.  Finally, if possible, work together with  your loved.  Try not to do the task entirely by yourself

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Refusing to make changes to the home

In your loved one’s home there can be many items that may challenge ability to live as independently as they possible can. Never just assume they need caregiver assistance..,  Furthermore, try to make  modifications and use adaptive equipment.  For example, a smart pill box with alarms.  The goal, aids  can help them accomplish some more basic daily tasks.  this is what it Means to Be Independent.

For example, adding a bench in the shower will make it easier for to bathe. Another example, when still able to walk but aren’t as confident on their feet as they used to be, use handrails attached to  the walls to help stabilize when walking.

Keep an active schedule is what it Means to Be Independent

Just because some one is older,  doesn’t mean they stay at home all day. While it’s not unusual to worry about an aging person overexerting themselves, remember that having an active social life and schedule can help seniors stay healthy and happy longer than if they were isolated.  Continue to play card games with friends, go to a movie as well as going to a restaurant. Let them safely do the activities they enjoy the most.

Now that your body is not so able, does that mean your now dependent?

A real life story.  I’ll admit that I currently live with my Son and daughter-in-law.  I’m proud to say that I am 91 years old.  But,  I can’t do the things I use to.  I work a day job  until I was 83.   If I were to try to make it on my own no,  I wouldn’t be able to survive. My kids pay for my phone, insurance, and food.  In addition,  they don’t charge me any kind of rent. I just pay for special items.  For example, my favorite cologne.   Even with little bills my budget is still tight.

Feeling more and more dependence

Finally, what exactly does it Means to Be Independent?  Many elderly will claim, : I am independent within my means.”  What does that mean?  Well,  I’m as independent as I am able to be. Is that a cop-out? Or is it simply adapting?  For many, the struggle effects them inside.  for example,  do they make a to-do lists.   But when tried to complete, they are unable to complete them all. To  sum up, their bodies just will no longer function they way the use to. The final goal, finding the right Means to Be Independent in one’s golden years.

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