Weekly pill box with alarm to Avoid Medication errors

Weekly pill box with alarm to Avoid Medication errors

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Weekly pill box with alarm
Weekly pill box with alarm to Avoid Medication errors

MED-Q weekly pill box with alarm to the rescue.  Diabetes is no easy job to handle.  First of all, modern prescription  medicines can control blood sugar (glucose) levels.  Second of all, not all medications are safe for every diabetic.  . In fact, the estimates are at about 1-12% of people with diabetes.  Many are on a prescription that isn’t the best choice. Link through to this graph “Avoiding Medication Mistakes”.  Hence,  safety guidelines for choosing which pills to take.

Weekly pill box with alarm to Avoid Diabetic Medication errors

Finally, diabetics can be overwhelmed with all the treatment options are now available.  For example,drugs and other supplements often will interact with one another.  In conclusion, these may case negative side effects.  Again,  let your doctor pick out the medicines that are best for you.

Do your best to avoid medication errors:

  • First, Discuss with your Healthcare professional about any prescription medications you are taking. Second,  all or over-the-counter drugs (OTC) .Third, all vitamins and supplements.  Finally, be sure to bring a complete list on your appointments.  Moreover, some bring the drugs themselves.  If so, be sure to bring them in their original bottle or blister pack.
  • Try to fill prescriptions at the same pharmacy.   This makes it easier for your pharmacist to catch a  potential problem in advance.
  • Keep a current  list of  medicines with you.  Put it in your wallet or purse. This is critical in the event of emergency medical crisis.
  • Use a Weekly Pill Box with Alarm to make sure medication is taken at the right times.  In addition, in the right doses.  A modern smart pill box is a simple as well as reliable solution.
  • Talk with the healthcare provider before beginning to take any kind if dietary or herbal supplements. For example, some have been  known to cause negative  interact with prescription meds.
  • When you get your refill, look to see if they are different.  Compare them to what you normally take. If they do not match, ask the pharmacist.
  • Never just stop taking a prescribed pill just because you are feeling better.To illustrate, drugs are needed to maintain desirable levels once they have been attained.   For example, blood sugar, high blood pressure as well as  blood cholesterol control.  Quitting some drug like antidepressants, can cause withdrawal symptoms.  Again, a place for a weekly pill box with alarm.

There are ways to learn more about the prescription medications.  First, read the information sheets you get from the pharmacies.  Second, discuss with the doctor, nurse, or diabetes educator about your meds. Check sites like as www.webmd.com and www.diabetes.org .

Remember, however, that the information you find on any website or book is general information.  By the same token, , and that you are an individual with your own personal needs and response to medicines. So talk over what you learn, and your questions, with your doctor.

Avoiding complacency with your Medications

It’s tempting to think that once you’ve gotten things under control, you can just keep on doing what you’re doing forever. But diabetes usually progresses over time, and over the years you will most likely need to increase your medicine doses or add additional medicines to reach your blood glucose, blood pressure, and cholesterol goals — even if you are eating right and getting regular physical activity.

It would be a mistake for you and your diabetes care team not to pay attention to blood glucose levels that are gradually creeping up or to any other changes that might indicate that your regimen needs updating. Such changes might include rises in your blood pressure, blood cholesterol, or weight or the onset of any diabetes complications.

Even when your blood glucose, blood pressure, and blood cholesterol are at goal levels, you should have regular (annual or as recommended by your health-care provider) eye exams, foot exams, and tests for microalbuminuria (traces of protein in the urine that signal a higher risk for kidney and heart disease) to check for the presence of diabetes complications. When caught early, diabetes complications are much more treatable.

One often-dreaded change to a person’s Type 2 diabetes regimen is the advice to start using insulin.

The specific source of dread may be different for different people. Some people, for example, fear needles, while others equate insulin use with more severe disease or fear that the use of insulin may actually lead to complications rather than prevent them. Whatever the cause for resistance, the facts are that many if not most people with Type 2 diabetes eventually require insulin and that the use of insulin can lead to improved control and better quality of life.

Optimal diabetes care typically involves frequent adjustments to your regimen for blood glucose, blood pressure, and blood cholesterol control. If your doctor has not adjusted your medicines or doses recently, ask him to review your medicines with a view to keeping you in good control.

As many tried-and-true medicines go generic, updating your drugs may save you money. Review them with your doctor or pharmacist with a view to lowering costs, and consider using combination tablets that contain more than one drug to reduce your co-pays and the number of pills you take each day. Often, it is both cheaper and safer to use older, proven medicines than to use brand-new ones.

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