MED-Q Electronic Pill Alarm Clock is perfect for Elderly 


The first question to ask, why do you need a MED-Q Electronic Pill Alarm Clock?

electronic Pill Alarm Clock
MED-Q Electronic Pill Alarm Clock
First, prescription medications, as well as (OTC), over the counter medication are vital.  Second of all, if mistakes are made, you are not alone. Furthermore,  all senior men and women forget to take prescription medications. Hence, the need for an electronic Pill Alarm Clock. Seniors suffer from AIMM’s (Age Induced Medication Mistakes). Granted, this problem will get worse as the population ages. In conclusion,  elderly men and women’s list of medications grow.  Furthermore,the days we forget increases. Hence, the need for a smart electronic  pill reminder.

Taking the wrong dose (non-compliance) can threaten  health and quality of life.

  Obviously, forgetting to take medication or over dosing on pills can be fatal.  However, not using a Medication  Alarm Clock leads to dad forgetting to take his pills, Dad forgetting medication and forgetting depression medication. To emphasize, the medical community calls this  “non-adherence”.   

  • Non adherence with medication is a complex and multidimensional health care problem. Adherence is defined as the extent to which patients are able to follow the recommendations for prescribed treatments

The shocking truth, over 120,000 deaths in 2015 alone.

MED-Q Medication reminder can solve a Growing Problem

Pill Alarm Clock
MED-Q Pill Alarm Clock
To sum up, the need for Pill boxes is huge. The National Council on Patient Information and Education says that 90% of Medicare recipients adherence.  Furthermore, 40% of elderly men and women take more than 6 prescription pills every day. A report by the New England Journal of Medicine, claims costs in excess of $120 billion dollars. For example, FDA  reports over 1.7 Million preventable drug errors in 2015.  In conclusion, non compliance with the health care providers directions leads to more than 125,000 annual deaths. First of all, medications must be organized.  Second, it still meds to be separated and then scheduled. Second of all, get one of the many of medication alarm clock reminder systems that are available to buy. Finally, MED-Q Medication Alarm Clock with triple alarms is a the benchmark.  With this in mind,this smart pill box is a good standard when reviewing all the pill reminders that are available.

Medication reminder technologies have three categories:


Again, seniors need an Electronic pill Alarm Clock. Seniors who can use an electronic programmable pill reminder. A good pill box will be programmable, and have alarms or alerts, to remind the user. Coupled with, a pill reminder with alarms that keeps repeating it’s alarms until medication is taken is preferred by most seniors.

Reminders integrated as part of home monitoring or safety devices

In fact,seniors and caregivers need to be aware of the all the medication reminder options available. AARP’s  Home survey of 1,023 caregivers and 904 seniors age 65 and older examined respondents’ understanding of electronic pill boxes. The study shows lack of knowledge. However,21% of caregivers were familiar with electronic pill boxes. On the other hand, 13% of the seniors surveyed were familiar with electronic pill boxes. However, 40% of seniors were willing to use an electronic pill box . Coupled with, 61% of caregivers were also willing to try it. Most compelling evidence, for a the need to an electronic pill box.

Telephone based medication reminder.

alarm pill clockFor one thing, telephone calling services require no special phone or equipment. Cost are low, some as low as $19 per month. To put it another way, if a person doesn’t answer the phone or acknowledge the medication reminder, the system notifies a designated contact. Important to realize, the problem is that acknowledging doesn’t mean the medication will be taken out of the bottles or the pill box. Consequently, leading to problems that were preventable.

How do you know which medication reminder is best?

Med-Q is the Best smart pill alarm clockSurely, thinking about a pill alarm clock or electronic reminder.  Choose the pill box that best suits your needs. Another key point, the pill reminder should have different types of ways of reminding you.  Flashing and beeping pillboxes have worked the best. To emphasize, this means no more mom forgetting pills or dad forgetting medication. For more information, visit MED-Q Pill Box.

MED-Q Medication Alarm Clock to Loved Ones’ rescue

medication alarm clock