Preventing Senior Accidental Overdoses

Smart Pill Box for Dad Blood Pressure Meds

Smart Pill Box for Dad Blood Pressure MedsSmart Pill Box for Dad


A Smart Pill Box for Dad Blood Pressure Meds

    Why is a Smart Pill Box for Dad Blood Pressure so important? Forsmart pill reminder with alarm example,  what to expect can be read in the book,  Danger! Prescription Medications and Our Elderly. First, the book speaks of how crucial it is for dad to be taking his blood pressure medication.   Second, why he needs BP meds.  Third,  how and when to be taken.   For example, a recent article in the New York Times, Wide Medication Misuse Is Common  Among Seniors  showed that medications were not being taken as directed. 

By the same token, the problem, 90% of seniors do make mistakes with their medications.    Seniors or their caregivers must know what pills the doctor is giving them as well as in what combination.  Finally, one can see why are needed to help keep the medication regime in proper control.

Clues for Medication Errors being made

dad's medsAgain, Dad needs to the pills they are taking and the way to take them.  A simple look inside their smart pill boxes will show if they are any missed doses.   If you find out that the Senior is not  taking the pills, or even being unable to fill the pill reminder correctly it is time to re-evaluate.  Furthermore,  times the loved one lives in a different city, or  even state so it is hard to notice changes.  As well as some times it is good to have some one check on your loved ones.

Moreover Med-Q Smart Pill Box for Dad offers this HELPFUL RESOURCES

MED-Q programmable pill reminder with Alarms

Veterans Administration:

First of all, the VA is helpful in education as well as skilled in home care.  Second of all, pholosophy of, Keep the veteran in their home as long as it is safe.  Third of all,  VA may send a home social worker to view the situation.    Finally The social worker should fill out the necessary  paperwork to begin.  To sum up,  a lot of good information is posted on the  Federal Benefits for Veterans and Dependents Book.  

Many of the people reading this blog are health care professionals.  

Also, please leave a comment about what works for you.  Finally, If you know of any other resources that would be a helpful .  Med-Q Smart pill dispenser with alarm asks that you  please let us know at: @  Med-Q Smart Pill Boxes Blog.

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