Smart Pill Reminder Box

Remember to Take Medicine on Time

Do you need help to Remember to Take Medicine on time?

Having troubles remembering to take life saving medications on time? Family, friends and caregivers need help to remind patients to take medicine. Do you feel like you already have enough to juggle each day? Again, this is a common problem. Do you need help Remember to Take Medicine? Here are 5 tips that prevent mistakes.

1. Remember to Take Medicine by coordinate medication doses with daily activities

Remember to Take Medicine
Remember to Take Medicine

Dr. Bruce G. Fagel was featured on the  PBS TV Show, “Need to Know”.  The doctor spoke about how big the problem was in forgetting and over dosing.  The PBS video showed different smart Pill Box with alarms and timers .  Technology has brought us a smart pill box with alarms. Now seniors Remember to Take Medicine Hence, virtually eliminates forgetting and over dosing.

2. Use a Smart Pill Box with alarms and timers

box with alarms and timers
box with alarms and timers

For example, one is able to tie drug doses with a daily routine like breakfast Another example, take pills after bating or when climbing in bed. Keep your medications in an easy-to-see pill box reminder. In short, taking y pills may become as routine as, well, brushing your teeth. In short, remember to take medicine with this simple tip.

Always keep medications in a secure place

In addition, protect your prescription medications and OTC supplements away from heat or cold

Now seniors Remember to Take Medicine
Now seniors Remember to Take Medicine

First, never leave them in a hot, steamy bathroom. Surprisingly, this is where most medicine cabinets are located. Most prescriptions meds are remain effective when kept at room temperature. However, under extreme conditions, they will lose their potency, crumble into pieces or even begin to melt. Some kinds of medicine must be stored in the refrigerator. If this is the case, put a sticky note reminder on the fridge as a reminder. Furthermore, a Smart Pill Box with alarms and timers will tell when it is pill time. Finally, remember to take medicine that is ruined, will do no good.

3. Enlist help from family and friends to help to remember to take medicine

Caregivers will experience “burnout” without help to Remember to Take Medicine

Remember to Take Medicine
Remember to Take Medicine

This being said, all caregivers need \help as well as breaks. Many caregivers will create a family and friends team. In short, the goal is to help remind each other to take their pills at the right time. For example, when living alone, a friend texts you each morning at pill time. If a family member you lives with you , also takes meds, you have a built in pill reminder. To sum up, take advantage of the help.

Elderly Men and Women need help to remember to take medications

If your loved one is taking lots of medications, consider helping them

This is the time for a smart pill box or medication reminder.Many seniors have printing out pictures of their pills from the Pill ID tool. Subsequently, writing what each medicine is used for. In addition,. writing the name and the pro[per dosing schedule. Place the pictures in a conspicuous, but safe, place. Mom and Dad can now look at the printouts as needed. Big print on prescription bottles and for drug information printouts helps as well. Again, Pictures will help to remember to take medicine Finally, the pharmacist will print out dosing and drug information in large type. if asked.

4. Have a list of medication names, strengths and doses

Update information as needed at Medication Guide App.

First of all, have an easily accessible list of your medication. Have it ready to give specifics. Second, keep a copy in your purse or wallet. Third, give a copy to a friend, loved one or caregiver. Consequently, this enables someone to provide this information correctly and quickly. Furthermore, it may be a time when you might need it the most. For example, on the way to the emergency room. Always, update this information when new medication or OTC pills are started or stopped. Finally, this will not help to remember to take medicine, but will keep people safe.

5. Ask your doctor and pharmacist to help Remember to Take Medicine

Pharmaceutics can help to remember to take medicine. Pharmacist can simplify your medication regimen to make remember to take medicine easier. If you take pills several times a day, a doctor can find a similar drug that only needs to be taken one time each day. Ask your doctor or pharmacist. They will also help tor remember to take Medicine at the right time. In addition, the health care provider id able to tell which medications that can safely be take together, . The goal, having seniors remember to take medicine and supplements.

Remember to Take Medicine can be made easier

Be sure to check to see if you can take your meds at breakfast, dinner, or bedtime – the most common (and often easy) times to take medications. Set up your routine around these times, if possible. People will find that these tips will help to Remember to Take Medicine as directed.

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