Forgetting Diabetes Medications

Smart Pill Box with Alarm and Timer
Med-Q Medication Reminder, Medicine Box, Pill Box

Take Your Diabetes Medications on Time

First it is critical to keep blood sugar levels controlled. Second, it’s vital to take your diabetes medications at the right times. Third, in the right doses. Follow these strategies to ensure you take them on time, every time. To sum up, from a smart pill box alarm system to smart phone pill reminder app will help.

When Peter Gettly, 69, of Skokie, Illinois, was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in 2008. Hence, he implemented a medication reminder system. In fact, he never once veered off course. Peter is a retired inventory management specialist in the military. In addition, he was a teacher. Gettly was well versed in the aspects of efficacy. Therefore, he sticking to a schedule would help make sure he was always taking his diabetes medications as prescribed.

Peter had a morning routine to not Forgetting Diabetes Medications

In the morning after he gets up and:

Peter tells MED-Q, ““I’ve always been organized, and I believe that organization is also important when you’re taking medication”. Thanks to this routine, Peter is the exception: Between 90- 95% diabetes sufferers are struggle to take their medications on a daily basis. Finally, the data came from June 2015 study in Diabetes Medicine.

What are the Obstacles to not Forgetting Diabetes Medications

Men and Women who are taking medication for diabetes need help. Hence, it is very challenging to do it exactly the way the healthcare professional has directed. Again, the matters are made worse for many. For example, people taking multiple daily medication . To sum up, people will, have trouble remembering if, when, and how many doses were taken..

Furthermore, try to add to that rising drug costs and high insurance-plan deductibles. To illustrate, some diabetics will skip a dose or not fill their smart pill box altogether. Poor medication adherence will negatively effect controlling glucose levels. Thus, a big rise in the risk of an Emergency Room visit. In addition, serious complications. Finally, can lead to death, according to Patient Preference and Adherence.

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Med-Q medication alarm clocks

People medication non-adherence means not taking your medication

However, this underestimates the problem. Non compliance can also be taking them wrong. For example, not taking them with food. Another example, taking them at the wrong times and dose. First of all,l medication non-adherence may also lead to some unexpected and serious side effects. For example, diabetes medications like sulfonylureas, including Glipizide (glucotrol), or meglitinides. The goal, stimulate insulin production. This, best taken right before eating .

The problems that come with forgetting diabetes medications

Left untreated, diabetes can increase your risk:

  • An increase in the number of cavities
  • Bad gingivitis,
  • Diabetic neuropathy
  • Diabetic retinopathy
  • Heart Disease or Hypertension
  • Stroke
  • In men, bouts of erectile dysfunction

Tips for Diabetes Medication Adherence

To sum up, make sure you take your medications correctly. Again, find what works best for a given lifestyle. From a smart pill box alarm timer to getting prescription filled, it is matter of life and death. Finally, stick to the same schedule and routine every day. Again, this is the very best way to stay adherent.

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