Pill Reminder with Alarm

Smart Pill Box for your medication

Consequences of not using a smart pill box for your medication

Different people have different requirements.  Some on missing a daily dose of baby aspirin is much less likely to have horrible consequences then someone taking anti seizure mediation.  It is recommended to use med-q smart pill box to ensure proper dosing

smart pill boxTaking aspirin has both potential health benefits, and possible risks of bleeding. Daily aspirin therapy reduces risk of subsequent heart attacks in patients with a prior history of a heart attack, coronary artery disease (like atherosclerosis), or risk factors for developing coronary artery disease.

  The users actual physical condition and the nature of their illness will dictate the importance of taking their pills properly.  

The importance of the prescription is based on the patient. 

Susceptible individuals need to take their pills properly.  An example of which is epilepsy.  The sufferer needs to maintain a certain level or concentration of the drug in their bloodstream to ward off seizures. When this level drops, from missing their pills, it may take several days for the proper blood level to return.  During this “Lag” period, the individual is much more likely to suffer from a seizure.   

control Cardiovascular diseases
High Blood Pressure

Another example is Thromboembolic sickness.    This means that your blood will not clot after a cut or other injury.  Medication must be used to keep the clotting at a safe levels.  To work, the pills must be taken each day at the same time.  A Smart Pill Box would be a great tool for these individuals.  Here is an example where missing a day doesn’t real harm the individual to much: Hypertension , commonly referred to as High Blood Pressure a single missed pill has little to no effect.  This being said, the problem is that they don’t just forget one pill.

senior careIt is important to educate the patients at the pharmacy. Tell them different ideas to reduce the number of over looked pills and other medication mistakes.  Focusing on a specific action plan has shown to be effective.   Whether it is a personal medication diary or using med-q smart pill box has proven to be extremely helpful.

What is a Therapeutic Index and why is it important?

The therapeutic index shows the collection of levels  between the pills concentration that creates negative effects and the pill concentration that is needed for therapeutic (health) end product.  A slim therapeutic indicator signifies tiny enhancements in the concentration may cause toxicity and also,  tiny reductions in concentration may have an end result of a loss in the drug’s efficiency

A Pre-Emptive approach is the best Start

A pre-emptive attitude is the best way to begin.  This will put you on the road to better compliance.  Knowledge  is power, if you know the pill’s 1/2 life you can understand the importance of your daily dose.   Did you know that if you miss a dose it could take 4-5 days before your bodies proper level is returned?  Missing one day can affect you for a much longer period than 24 hours.

Typically, prescription medicines, or the active ingredient, that has an extended 1/2 life have been shown to cause significantly less issues if a pill is forgotten then  medications with a very brief 1/2 life.  This is because the longer life pills will stay in your system for a longer period of time than the short half-life pills.  Forgetting  multiple doses over a period of days causes more issues.  An example of which is pills with an extended 1/2 live often will take a long time  before it will rise to the level needed to make it effective once again.

Pills that have short  1/2 lives tend to lose beneficial result quickly.  Furthermore, meds that have 1st dose effects, an example of which is what is called a ACE inhibitor in combination with diuretics, may also present clinical problems when normal dosing is resumed.  Overall, surprisingly few studies have examined the clinical significance of a missed dose.

electronic pill box with timer
med-q smart pill box

Many studies have been done regarding birth control pills.

One would think that the chances of becoming pregnant would be the emphases needed to remember to take women to remember their Birth Control pills.  The fact of the matter , is that this is not always the case. The stats on unwanted pregnancy jumps for women who are starting college.  The new environment has caused them to forget more often.

Forgetting the pill has plenty of documented evidence that has been published.  Girls who are on the pill ought to know about the hazards involved over a missed pill as well as what should be done if a pill dose is forgotten.  With the complications of the data, as well as the chances of getting pregnant when you don’t want to, it’s vital that all spoken information is verified in writing.  This is a great time to use a CMI sheet if one is available.  In the event that there isn’t a CMI sheet, written notes based on the pharmacist’s advice is beneficial.

Med-Q smart Pill box with alarm offers these Conclusions

It is safe to say that the bulk of Individuals will forget to take their pills.  A few pills missed now and then may have little effect on the individual’s health or the effectiveness of the medication.  This being said, multiple missed doses can cause a drop in the quality of life.  In addition, financial crisis and in some cases death.  Medication errors have just become the #3 leading cause of death in the United States, behind cancer and heart disease. To sum up, they can be solved with med-q smart pill box

Forgetting to take your prescription medication is not like forgetting where you put your car keys. In case you didn’t remember to take your last doses, just your next dose at the right dose and correct amount.  Do not take any more than your doctor prescribed.Pill Reminder

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